Amonkhet Invocations

There are 54 results.

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2Red Aggravated Assault MS3 0.06 $0.17 0 Not Available
Aggravated Assault *Foil* MS3 0.94 $2.50 0 Not Available
3White Armageddon MS3 0.27 $0.52 0 Not Available
Armageddon *Foil* MS3 2.5 $5.00 0 Not Available
1BlackBlack Attrition MS3 0.08 $0.22 0 Not Available
Attrition *Foil* MS3 1.94 $4.75 0 Not Available
4WhiteWhite Austere Command MS3 0.06 $0.17 0 Not Available
Austere Command *Foil* MS3 0.75 $2.00 0 Not Available
6BlackBlack Avatar of Woe MS3 0.13 $0.31 0 Not Available
Avatar of Woe *Foil* MS3 0.38 $1.00 0 Not Available
2White Aven Mindcensor MS3 0.16 $0.35 0 Not Available
Aven Mindcensor *Foil* MS3 0.94 $2.50 0 Not Available
2Red Blood Moon MS3 2.23 $2.94 0 Not Available
Blood Moon *Foil* MS3 3.25 $7.00 0 Not Available
3Red Boil MS3 0.71 $1.59 0 Not Available
Boil *Foil* MS3 0.75 $2.00 0 Not Available
2Black Bontu the Glorified MS3 0.08 $0.21 0 Not Available
Bontu the Glorified *Foil* MS3 2.13 $4.00 0 Not Available
1BlueBlue Capsize MS3 0.16 $0.35 0 Not Available
Capsize *Foil* MS3 0.38 $1.00 0 Not Available
Red Chain Lightning MS3 0.32 $0.60 0 Not Available
Chain Lightning *Foil* MS3 0.25 $1.50 0 Not Available
2Green Choke MS3 1.77 $2.38 0 Not Available
Choke *Foil* MS3 0.75 $2.00 0 Not Available
4BlueBlue Consecrated Sphinx MS3 0.13 $0.46 0 Not Available
Consecrated Sphinx *Foil* MS3 5.88 $9.00 0 Not Available
1White Containment Priest MS3 1.3 $2.25 0 Not Available
Containment Priest *Foil* MS3 17.5 $30.00 0 Not Available
BlueBlue Counterbalance MS3 2.98 $3.85 0 Not Available
Counterbalance *Foil* MS3 5.69 $9.75 0 Not Available
BlueBlue Counterspell MS3 0.67 $1.15 0 Not Available
Counterspell *Foil* MS3 0.63 $2.50 0 Not Available
1BlueBlueBlue Cryptic Command MS3 0.06 $0.17 0 Not Available
Cryptic Command *Foil* MS3 5.25 $9.00 0 Not Available
2BlackBlack Damnation MS3 0.26 $0.51 0 Not Available
Damnation *Foil* MS3 3.5 $6.00 0 Not Available
Black Dark Ritual MS3 0.57 $1.10 0 Not Available
Dark Ritual *Foil* MS3 0.75 $2.00 0 Not Available
1Blue Daze MS3 10 $13.17 0 Not Available
Daze *Foil* MS3 6.25 $10.00 0 Not Available
3BlackBlack Desolation Angel MS3 0.11 $0.26 0 Not Available
Desolation Angel *Foil* MS3 0.75 $2.00 0 Not Available
1Black Diabolic Edict MS3 0.12 $0.29 0 Not Available
Diabolic Edict *Foil* MS3 1.5 $4.00 0 Not Available
1Black Diabolic Intent MS3 0.31 $0.58 0 Not Available
Diabolic Intent *Foil* MS3 3.5 $6.00 0 Not Available
Blue Divert MS3 0.07 $0.20 0 Not Available
Divert *Foil* MS3 0.94 $2.50 0 Not Available
BlackBlackBlack Doomsday MS3 8.23 $10.11 0 Not Available
Doomsday *Foil* MS3 3.75 $10.00 0 Not Available
Black Entomb MS3 8.2 $11.51 0 Not Available
Entomb *Foil* MS3 2.13 $4.00 0 Not Available
1BlueBlue Forbid MS3 0.16 $0.35 0 Not Available
Forbid *Foil* MS3 0.38 $1.00 0 Not Available
3BlueBlue Force of Will MS3 8.63 $11.09 0 Not Available
Force of Will *Foil* MS3 24 $34.00 0 Not Available
3Red Hazoret the Fervent MS3 0.09 $0.24 0 Not Available
Hazoret the Fervent *Foil* MS3 2.5 $5.00 0 Not Available
2Blue Kefnet the Mindful MS3 0.06 $0.17 0 Not Available
Kefnet the Mindful *Foil* MS3 2.63 $4.50 0 Not Available
3BlackGreen Lord of Extinction MS3 0.11 $0.27 0 Not Available
Lord of Extinction *Foil* MS3 0.75 $2.00 0 Not Available
2White Loyal Retainers MS3 0.05 $0.14 0 Not Available
Loyal Retainers *Foil* MS3 0.25 $1.50 0 Not Available
1BlackGreen Maelstrom Pulse MS3 0.07 $0.20 0 Not Available
Maelstrom Pulse *Foil* MS3 4.38 $7.50 0 Not Available
Variable ColorlessBlack Mind Twist MS3 0.9 $1.45 0 Not Available
Mind Twist *Foil* MS3 3.88 $7.00 0 Not Available
2BlackBlack No Mercy MS3 0.33 $0.61 0 Not Available
No Mercy *Foil* MS3 1.5 $4.00 0 Not Available
3White Oketra the True MS3 0.04 $0.23 0 Not Available
Oketra the True *Foil* MS3 3.13 $5.00 0 Not Available
7BlueBlueBlue Omniscience MS3 0.74 $1.25 0 Not Available
Omniscience *Foil* MS3 3.75 $10.00 0 Not Available
2BlueBlue Opposition MS3 0.07 $0.20 0 Not Available
Opposition *Foil* MS3 3.75 $10.00 0 Not Available
0 Pact of Negation MS3 0.33 $0.61 0 Not Available
Pact of Negation *Foil* MS3 3.88 $7.00 0 Not Available
2Green Rhonas the Indomitable MS3 0.15 $0.33 0 Not Available
Rhonas the Indomitable *Foil* MS3 4.5 $7.00 0 Not Available



$0.10 - $13.17
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